chat with our team: annabelle tells all…

In this Chat With Our Team, we have one of our team members, Annabelle, discussing a popular organizing topic; To decant or to not decant


A hot topic in the organization world, decanting, is something we find our clients either loving or hating. An annoying extra step, or a great storage solution? Here are three reasons why she thinks decanting is a must:

  • First and foremost decanting, which is taking items out of the packaging, is crucial to seeing what you have in your pantry. It makes snacks, dry goods, and whatever else you choose to decant visible. And when items are visible they’re more likely to be used, or in this case eaten, and not accidentally over-bought. Ever grab a box of cereal bars to find out its completely empty? You won't have this problem if you choose to decant your snacks!

  • The functionality of the pantry also can be drastically affected by decanting. Have a small space? Maximize this by decanting your giant mismatched cereal boxes into containers that fit the space, and make room for all of your pantry goods. 

  • And last but not least, I think we can all agree, decanting takes the aesthetics to another level of pretty. Open your pantry and get inspired and excited about your space, your food, and cooking! 


project overview : moving into a new home & navigating 3 little girls.


everything you need to know about decluttering